Saturday, October 13, 2012


I am spending the weekend at school and brought my son along with me.

I have hours of class, so he had to figure out how to keep himself busy. He had a little math and then he headed outside.

I met up with him at lunchtime and asked what he'd been up to.

"I threw tomahawks."

Say what?!

"I met some Boy Scouts and they taught me how to throw tomahawks."

I'll let him tell the next bit in his own words:

Have you ever thrown a tomahawk? If you haven't, you should try it. All you have to do, really, is take a tomahawk and throw it at the target. of course it takes practice, but that's basically what you have to do. Besides throwing tomahawks, I also got to watch other people throw them, but I think I liked throwing them better. It's actually pretty fun. Now, back to you Mom!

If there is anything interesting and unusual to do, my son will find it. He was quite delighted to have hit the target a few times and I was very grateful to the organizers of the Camporee for givng him a lesson. Not to mention glad that my school meets at a camp where I feel safe letting Jordan wander. I feel blessed that this worked out so well.

What new things have your kids tried lately?

My blog site is currently a "work in progress." I am playing with the look, reducing the amount of advertising and consolidating the labels so that things are easier to find. Comments and suggestions welcome. Look for changes over the next few weeks.

This is my thirteenth post for the October 2012 Ultimate Blog Challenge. I'm trying for 31 posts in 31 days, plus commenting on two posts by other people every day. 

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