Friday, July 8, 2011

What Makes a Christian Artist?

Or is that the right question?

There are many artists who are Christians. Some are open about their faith, others are not.

But what it is it about their art that makes it Christian?

Is it only Christian if it is evangelistic? Or if it helps Christians to worship? Or tells a piece of Christian narrative?

We discussed this at Ockham's Kegger, a lecture series on theological topics that takes place at a bar. It was hard to come up with answers.

One of the things I thought of was Tolkein's idea of the subcreator. God is Creator. When we develop something from our imaginations, we are following in His footsteps. This gives us a theological basis for artwork. It also keeps us from being to full of ourselves. When the yardstick is God's level of creativity, we know we will never come up to that. Therefore, we can look at other's work humbly and appreciatively and keep our own in proper perspective.

Not that I am an artist.

My son is getting to be one, though, with his photography. I hadn't thought before tonight about helping him to think theologically about that. I will have give it some consideration.

What are your thoughts on Christians and art?

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