Monday, October 3, 2011

Keeping Up

I almost didn't write a post today.

I schooled. I worked. I parented.  So, it got late and I thought I might put it off till tomorrow.

But, I am also a half day behind in a Bible read-through I am participating in (well, leading, actually) and I know that if I let it go further, it could be fatal to my intention to finish. Catching up can be a lot harder than keeping up in the first place.

It's the same with the Ultimate Blog Challenge. If I let myself get behind out of laziness then if there is a real need to skip a day or two I might get too far behind to get back on track.

So, I am writing now, even though I didn't have a topic and have very little time. I think I will be glad I did in the end. Besides, it'll strengthen my self-discipline muscle.

How are you keeping up with the things in your life that need regular attention?


  1. That's the point of the UBC. Write something every day for 31 days- and you've picked up a fairly permanent habit. Like reading your bible!

  2. Yes, exactly! Thanks for commenting.

  3. I got in the habit of daily blogging in another challenge back in May. After you get started you will find it feels like a hole in your life if you think of missing a day. I agree that, if you stick with the 31 days, you'll have the habit.
