Thursday, October 15, 2015

In the time of waiting.

There are many times of waiting in life.. sometimes whole seasons....

Waiting to see if they'll call

Waiting for the baby to be born

Waiting to hear if a loved one landed safely

Waiting for a spouse to get home from deployment

Waiting to hear if your child made the wise choice

Waiting for the test results

Waiting for the college's decision

Waiting for the doctor's call

Even waiting for someone to take the last breath. (Those who have seen a loved one through  hospice care can understand this one.)

Sometimes we are waiting for good things, sometimes sad events. Other times we are waiting for answers and do not know whether we will be rejoicing or mourning.

I find that, for me, it's easy to slip into an anxious state in the time of waiting. I worry, I overthink, I am tempted to fear the worst. But that is not what we are meant to do. We are meant to trust and, by trusting, to wait in peace.

*Sigh* I wish it were easier. Often I wonder how we are cast our cares upon Jesus and leave them with him. Through prayer, through imagination.. .but what of the times when these don't work? We need to learn to rest in God, but the specifics escape me sometimes.
Here's hoping I'll learn...

How are you with waiting?


  1. Melinda, in those quiet spaces while waiting, I tune in to God, and we wait together. I trust.

  2. I'm okay when it comes to waiting. I always think the best, and I'm willing to accept the outcome no matter what it will be. My husband, bless him, is the opposite. He worries and expects the worst. Contrasts in personality make life interesting.

  3. I'm with you, Melinda, on the difficulty of waiting sometimes, depending on what's happening.

    I've been there, twice, as I lost both parents and we as a family waited for those last breaths.

    At the other end of life, I've waited on the births of two grandchildren (so far!)

    I've also waited to know if my oldest daughter was going to survive the injuries she sustained from a head-on crash (she did, by the grace of God).

    Right now, I'm waiting to complete my doctoral journey and officially become Dr. Banks (hopefully in 2016).

    I'm also waiting for the details to work out so we can move back to NH, where two daughters and their families still live (and where my granddaughters are).

    I think all of life is an extended period of waiting!
