Thursday, July 31, 2014

What I'm Reading

Once in a while I post about what I am reading.

I have signed up for my library's adult summer reading program. I am supposed to read and review books, each of which will count towards our town's goal of reading 10,000 books. If we make it the School Superintendent and Town Administrator will jump in the local lake.

So.. I think I am supposed to read stuff from the adult section of the library. I have read the biblical book of James and I guess that counts.

For fiction, though, I was for some reason drawn to reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle. I was recalling the rune contained in it, went to look at it, and ended up reading the whole story. It's a good one, too. If you haven't read L'Engle's time quintet, I strongly recommend going for it.

That lead me to remember something from the story line of A Wind in the Door, the second book in the quintet. So I read through that, too. It's about stopping seeking our own pleasure and maturing. That is actually what lead me to read James, because that book focuses on maturing in faith and action.

So that's what I'm reading. Haven't decided if I'll review them for the adult program yet, and I need  a new book. Very open to suggestions.

So what have you been reading? 
Why were you drawn to that book?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Song for Sunday: Change My Heart Oh God

The youth I work with sang this last Sunday and it grabbed my attention. God has been working on changing my heart in a few ways, so this is a good song for me right now.

Plus, in exactly one week, CYC starts and their theme this year is "Clay in the Potter's Hand." (There is still room if you know a teen who would enjoy the program.)

So, all in all, this became today's "Song for Sunday." I hope it's a blessing to you.

Change My Heart Oh God
by Eddie Espinosa

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

He has a Job

My son has a job.

Oh, he's had little jobs before, like cutting a neighbor's bushes, but this is a bit bigger. Hours every week.

It's actually a volunteer job. It involves two things: helping a librarian plan and present a science program for elementary kids and developing activities on a gaming server for the same age group.

His work does involve showing up for planning sessions, preparation times, and lessons. It also involves a lot of self-directed hours. Almost all of the server work has been "on his own."

It's crazy to think he's old enough to have a job. I want him to still be little!! On the other hand, it's great to see him grow into these responsibilities. He's learning how to manage his time, handle anxiety and deal with slacking coworkers. It has been a fabulous experience for him.

Of course, it also means this is a different kind of summer for us. We have to plan our family time around his schedule. (My husband is a school teacher and so sets his own hours --and there are plenty of them-- in the summer. I am a stay at home Mom) But this change is just a harbinger of the greater changes to come as he moves toward adulthood. I guess small steps like this are good as they make big changes later less overwhelming.

Anyway, he has a job.

What changes are going on with your children and family?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Song for Sunday: Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life

We sang this in church this morning and it struck a chord, especially the lines "The cup of water given for thee still holds the freshness of thy grace."  Not sure why this is grabbing my attention at this time. I wonder what it is I should be doing.

So here is today's Song for Sunday: "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life"

Where cross the crowded ways of life,
where sound the cries of race and clan,
above the noise of selfish strife,
we hear thy voice, O Son of Man.

In haunts of wretchedness and need,
on shadowed thresholds dark with fears,
from paths where hide the lures of greed,
we catch the vision of thy tears.

The cup of water given for thee
still holds the freshness of thy grace;
yet long these multitudes to see
the sweet compassion of thy face.

O Master, from the mountain side,
make haste to heal these hearts of pain;
among these restless throngs abide,
O tread the city's streets again;

Till all the world shall learn thy love,
and follow where thy feet have trod;
till glorious from thy heaven above,
shall come the city of our God.

~Frank Mason North, 1903, Public Domain

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Celebrating a Life

Today's post has two purposes.

First, it is a restart of sorts. I haven't posted much recently and am now planning to get back to writing regularly. I hope to write three posts a week.

The second purpose is to remember a CYCer and speak out against drunk driving.

Tom was a fun-loving young man of faith whose life, along with that of his best friend, were cut short on July 17, 2010 by a drunk, drugged driver who was traveling in the wrong direction down the highway. She died, too. Tom left a young wife (he was only 24) and two young boys (ages three and one when he died). Tom is only one of far too many tragically taken this way.

You can read more about Tom here.

So I make my annual plea:

Don't drink and drive.

Take the keys.  

Appoint a designated driver.

Call a cab. 

We've all had enough heartache.

Also, Tom's family has started a foundation in his honor called the  The Thomas J. Serewicz Sr. Foundation For Kind & Responsible Living, Inc.

This coming Sunday in central Mass, they will hold a fundraiser and memorial picnic.

Here is their description of the event:

We hope you can join us for our old-fashioned picnic. Relax on your blanket in the sun, play backyard games with family and friends,: Frisbee, blowing bubbles, target games, get a team together for sack races, volleyball, badminton, etc. Or sit inside and just visit or play cards, etc. Grab some summer reading from our second hand book table, enjoy something to eat on us, and just get away from it all and enjoy. Bring your fishing gear if you have a license and want to fish (for a minimal donation). All the while helping a great cause. The day is filled with free fun, and the opportunity to give freely to our fundraising efforts. Bid on some nice things in our silent auction, including passes to Davis Farmland and Megamaze, a 30 minute massage, and some other gift items from our vendors. This year a portion of our proceeds will go to Teen Challenge program, assisting teens and others who are struggling to overcome addictions. Help us to bring something wonderful to the world in honor of Tommy's life and love. 

If you live near there, stop by and join the fun!

And remember, sober driving only.