Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Field Trip

When people who love something so much that they just have to share it with others get together with children who are eager to learn, real education happens.

We were part of a great example of that today. We went on a homeschool group field trip to Saugus Iron Works, and the rangers were brimming with enthusiasm about history, especially the start of the American iron industry. The day included planned activities These included a "role-play" of a conversation between Puritans, Native Americans, ironworkers and Scot prisoners of war, demonstrations of the forge and blacksmith shop, and discussions. These were great, though my son was quick to notice that the "role-play" was really a scripted reenactment. Still, he had fun with it.

But the rangers were also very willing to engage in conversation and answer questions. This added immeasurably to the learning taking place. Their contagious enthusiasm sparked the kids' interest and made our day very worthwhile.

What are you passionate about? How can you share it?

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! Enthusiasm born from the love of the subject matter to create an eagerness to learn in others is the spark is where real education begins! Glad you had that experience!
