Sunday, April 3, 2016

Song for Sunday: Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling

I was at a school building yesterday for a competition my son was in. (Proud mom alert: He took the red rosette -- second in the state for his category of 4H visual presentations. Excuse me while I burst a button or two.)


Trend Enterprises "Excuse Limit 0" Posters, Large

At the school their were several signs like this one, reminding students not to make excuses about missed homework, shoddy work, inappropriate behavior etc.

                                                                                Today's Song for Sunday, a hymn from church this morning, reminded me of those signs and of the fact that Christian have no excuses for not working toward the kingdom of God.         

"Let none hear you idly saying,
'There is nothing I can do,'
While the multitudes are dying
And the master calls for you."

What songs have caught your attention lately?

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